Important notice from Gallery Delaive concerning TEFAF Maastricht 2019

02 OKT 2018 15:44 | Gallery Delaive

After 26 years of participating in TEFAF Maastricht, we were recently informed by email, that for the first time ever we have been put on a waiting list for TEFAF Maastricht.

As we have not heard again from TEFAF, we have concluded the situation has not changed and we have not been admitted to TEFAF Maastricht 2019. The grounds for this decision have not been made known to us.

We do not expect to return to Maastricht in the future, meaning TEFAF 2018 will have been the last time Gallery Delaive participated in the fair in Maastricht.

As representative of the Sam Francis Foundation for Europe, experts of Karel Appel, Walasse Ting and Niki de Saint Phalle and worldwide representatives of Ayako Rokkaku and Yuina Wada we remain at your disposal at Gallery Delaive in Amsterdam.  

Below please find the email we received from the Chairman and CEO of TEFAF Maastricht.


Dear Mr Delaive

Thank you very much for your application to participate in TEFAF Maastricht 2019. We have been overwhelmed by the number and quality of dealers that have applied to be part of our flagship Fair, which makes the selection process for the Selection Committee a challenging endeavour.

We want to inform you that at this stage the Selection Committee has decided to put you on the waiting list for TEFAF Maastricht 2019. Should situation change and the Selection Committee is able to offer you a place, we will contact you before the end of September 2018. 

Applications to each of TEFAF's Fairs are reviewed on an annual basis. The selection process, criteria and committees for TEFAF Maastricht 2019 are outlined in the Selection Protocol, and the final exhibitor list is created in line with this. We would like to thank our Selection Committee for their hard-work and diligence in ensuring that due process was followed. Please note, as outlined in the Selection Protocol, the Selection Committee is not obliged to share the grounds for decisions.

Should your application not be successful, we encourage you to apply again for TEFAF Maastricht 2020, and/or TEFAF New York Fall 2019, which covers fine and decorative arts from antiquity to 1920, or TEFAF New York Spring 2019, which focuses on modern and contemporary art & design.

The exhibitor list for TEFAF Maastricht 2019 will be published in October 2018.

Should you have any questions regarding the application and selection process for TEFAF Maastricht please do not hesitate to contact us on

With kindest regards                         

Nanne Dekking                                                                        Patrick van Maris

Chairman, Board of Trustees                                                  CEO

Voor meer informatie kunt u contact opnemen met Gallery Delaive: 020-6221295

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