Debeka and Keylane sign contract to implement Axon platform

19 JAN 2023 11:49 | Keylane

German insurer Debeka has signed a contract to implement Keylane's Axon policy and claims management system at Debeka Allgemeine Versicherung AG, the property and casualty insurer of the Debeka Insurance Group.

Full compliance and seamless integration

By implementing Axon, Keylane’s full platform for P&C insurers that supports all core processes from selling, distributing and administrating policies to the handling of claims and more, Debeka unlocks seamless integration in Debeka’s target landscape and full compliance with German law and GoBD principles.

“Keylane’s proven track record for flexible product configuration and integration and the excellent support of Axon for our hybrid distribution model and digitalisation have convinced us that this implementation at Debeka will be a success. Substantial parts of it have already been achieved in a successful proof of concept.” says Dr. Normann Pankratz, Member of the board at Debeka.

A modern application landscape

Debeka chose Keylane’s Axon platform to modernise their application landscape on a future-fit and fully agile platform. This landmark partnership makes Debeka one of the first German insurers to adopt Keylane’s full solution and reap the full benefits of a market leading, standardised platform.

We’re extremely happy with the trust Debeka has shown in us. For Keylane, Germany is an important country, and we aim to realise strong strategic growth in the territory by expanding our German activities in the near future.” Lukas van Grunsven, COO P&C and Board Member at Keylane.

Keylane’s Axon Platform

Axon fosters trust and empowers lasting partnerships by providing an all-in-one platform that ensures a 24/7 uptime for customers. And, staying true to their promise of unburdening customers at every opportunity, Keylane provides and implements continuous upgrades at no additional costs, guaranteeing that customers are able to comply with the latest rules and regulations. Coupled with a commitment to backwards compatibility, Keylane is a partner customers can rely on with a platform that always delivers.


Headquartered in Koblenz, Germany, Debeka is a leading insurance and financial services company regarded as one of the top-5 players in the insurance sector. With more than 7 million customers, Debeka are responsible for managing 21 million contracts. With its diverse range of insurance and financial services, the Debeka Group is one of the top five in the insurance and home savings industry. Founded in 1905, it has evolved from a pure health insurer for civil servants into an insurance group offering coverage for all private households as well as small and medium-sized enterprises. Today, it is one of the most successful groups of its kind in Germany. Debeka Allgemeine Versicherung AG is an important part of the Debeka Group, with annual premium income of over one billion euros.


Keylane is a leading platform provider for the insurance and pension industry. Keylane empowers the insurance and pension industry to transform their business and achieve their goals through innovative solutions that redefine how insurance software works. Over 225 customers across Benelux, Nordics and DACH regions run their business on Keylane platforms.

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